DALLAS, Texas (September 18, 2024) -- As a leading clinical generative AI company, Pieces Technologies takes the responsibility of developing software that is used by health systems and clinicians very seriously. We are disappointed in the Texas Office of the Attorney General’s (OAG) press release that misrepresents the Assurance of Voluntary Compliance (AVC) into which Pieces entered.
Importantly and as noted specifically in the AVC, Pieces vigorously denies any wrongdoing and believes strongly that it has accurately set forth its hallucination rate, which was the sole focus of the AVC. Equally important is the fact that the OAG’s press release is inconsistent with the AVC that it entered, namely:
- The AVC makes no mention of the safety of Pieces products, nor is there evidence indicating that the public interest has ever been at risk.
- The AVC focuses solely on the company’s reporting of hallucination rates in the context of an independently developed risk-classification system that is based on severity. Importantly, there is no industry-wide risk classification system for generative AI hallucinations for inpatient clinical summarization that exists today. Pieces is, in fact, a trailblazer in the development of a risk classification system, which took several years to build and is an effective way to monitor and ensure highly reliable and quality outcomes of its AI-generated working summaries.
- This is not a financial settlement, nor is there any financial penalty associated with this matter. This is an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance into which Pieces entered with the Texas OAG to demonstrate leadership, transparency, and collaboration. It sunsets in five years, which is not the norm, and can be rescinded by the OAG as early as one year from its effective date upon request.
Pieces strongly supports the need for additional oversight and regulation of clinical generative AI, and the company signed this AVC as an opportunity to advance those conversations in good faith with the Texas OAG. Despite the misrepresentation of this agreement in the Texas OAG’s press release, Pieces will continue to work collaboratively at both state and national levels with organizations that share a common commitment to advancing the delivery of high quality and safe health care across communities.
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